Thereafter he worked as a Consultant Radiologist in the Department of CT Scan and MRI in
SRL Diagnostics - Jankharia Imaging Centre, Mumbai from 2005 to 2013. He was also a Consultant with the PET/CT department of SRL Diagnostics since its inception in 2008 until 2013.
He has received extensive training in High-end CT, MRI and PET/CT work as well as in CT-guided interventional procedures. He is also affiliated with Dadar Imaging and Diagnostic Centre, which is a specialized Ultrasonography and Colour Doppler Clinic in Dadar, Mumbai.
His special interests are in head and neck, abdominal, musculoskeletal and cardiac imaging as well as CT-guided interventional procedures.
He has attended several national and international conferences over the years to further progress his knowledge.
International Conferences:
European Congress of Radiology (ECR) – Vienna, Austria 2007.
European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (ESGAR) – Istanbul, Turkey 2008.
European Society of Genitourinary Radiology (ESUR) – Athens, Greece 2009.
Radiology Society of North America (RSNA) – Chicago, USA 2010.
European Society of Genitourinary Radiology (ESUR) – Dubrovnik, Croatia 2011.
Radiology Society of North America (RSNA) – Chicago, USA 2012.
Lectures and Publications:
Myelin Vacuolization in Neurofibromatosis Type 1: Brain MRI Findings, Bombay Hospital Journal, Vol 45, No 4, October 2003.
CT Findings in a Case of TracheobronchopathiaOsteochondroplastica,
Bombay Hospital Journal, Vol 46, No 4, October 2004.
Neuroimaging findings in GM1 Gangliosidosis, Bombay Hospital Journal, Vol 47, No 1, January 2005.
Evaluation of stand-alone detection performance of a prototype pulmonaryemboli (PE) CAD system across multi-vendor and multi-center MDCT data, presented at the European Congress of Radiology (ECR), Vienna, Austria in March 2009 (co-author).
PET/CT in Carcinoma of the Gall Bladder, electronic poster presented in the RSNA 2010, held by the Radiological Society of North America, in Chicago, in November – December 2010
CT of the Colon at the 94th Research Meeting of the Medical Research Centre of Bombay Hospital held in February 2002.
Imaging Findings in the Brain in HIV Positive Patients at the 94th ResearchMeeting of the Medical Research Centre ofBombay Hospital held in February 2002.
CT and MRI of Renal Masses at the 103rd Research Meeting of the Medical

Research Centre of Bombay Hospital held in January 2003.
MRI of the Brain in Viral Infections, at the 54th IRIA held in Hyderabad, January 2005.
Virtual Bronchoscopy, presented at the Residents Review Course held in Oct 2006.
Imaging in Carcinoma of the Rectum, presented in Gastrointestinal meet held in Jagjivan Ram Hospital, September 2007.
CT/MR Angiography, presented at the Radiology Review Course, held by the Radiology Education Foundation, in October 2007.
Imaging in Carcinoma of the Urinary Bladder, held in Urology Meet, King Edward Memorial Hospital October 2007.
CT/MR Angiography, presented at the Radiology Review Course, held by the Radiology Education Foundation, in November 2008.
Urography, presented at the Radiology Review Course, held by the Radiology Education Foundation, in November 2008.
Overview of Imaging in AIDS, presented at ASICON 2009, held by the AIDS society of INDIA in February-March 2009.
CT/MR Angiography, presented at the Radiology Review Course, held by the Radiology Education Foundation, in October 2009.
Renal SOLs, presented at the Radiology Review Course, held by the Radiology Education Foundation, in October 2009.
Imaging in the Acute Abdomen, presented at the launch of Drotin-A in November 2009.
Imaging in Carcinoma of the Unknown Primary, presented at the 24th National Annual Conference of Indian Association of Surgical Oncologists held in September 2010.
Body Imaging in AIDS, presented at ASICON 2010, held by the AIDS society of INDIA in October 2010.
Urography, presented at the Radiology Review Course, held by the Radiology Education Foundation, in November 2010.
Imaging and the Urinary Tract – Beware of Contrast!, presented at ‘Nephrology Simplified’, held by the Apex Kidney Foundation in December 2010.
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Guided Ablation of Uterine Fibroids, presented at the Management Options for Fibroids CME held in K. J. Somaiya Medical College, in March 2012.
PET/CT presented at Tumor Diagnostics Update: Radio-Path, held by SRL in October 2011.
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound guided ablation of uterine fibroids, presented at the CME held by Surat Obstetric and Gynaecology Society, in August 2012.
CT of the Abdomen, chapter written in Textbook of Gastrointestinal Surgery, presently in print.