Teleradiology is the direct network transmission of radiological patient images, such as X-rays, CT Scan, MRI, PET/CT etc. from one location to another for the purposes of sharing studies with other radiologists. Teleradiology is a boon for fast, accurate , reliable and reproducible reporting . It is an intergral part in improving radiology reporting standards worldwide and improves patient care by allowing Radiologists to provide services without actually having to be at the location of the patient. It brings in the expertize and experience of eminent healthcare professionals reaching out to everyone.
We, at iScan Imaging Centre, offer complete Teleradiology solutions for your radiology centre or department anywhere in the world, including department outsource, reporting outsource, second opinions ,day-to-day reporting and emergency reporting. We have a panel of very experienced Radiologists specialized for each subfield.
Second opinion is when a radiological investigation is performed and reported at one centre, and the referring physician would like to have the opinion and report of another radiologist at another centre for diagnosis conformation or the possibility of an alternative diagnosis. Using our extensive experience, we can also provide second opinions from films or CDs of radiological studies like X-rays, CT, MRI, Mammography, PET/CT etc. done elsewhere, to aid in better patient management and care. |